- Introduction, laws of thermodynamics, notation.
- Work and processes.
- First and second laws.
- Gibbsian equations, chemical potential.
- Mathematical methods, Legendre transforms.
- Partial derivative game.
- Process evaluation. Residual functions.
- Residual functions and example problems.
- Introduction to statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics.
- Quantum mechanics I.
- Quantum mechanics II.
- Check out this link for a description of the rotational energy of a molecule.
- Statistics and ensembles.
- Ensembles and partition functions.
- Semi-classical partition function.
- Properties of ideal gases.
- Properties of ideal gases, examples.
- Chemical equilibria: ideal and real fluids.
- Pair potentials and nonideal behavior. Van der Waals partition functions for mixture, local compositions, activity coefficient models.
- Conformal solution theory.
- Conformal solution theory, pure fluids and mixtures.
- Ideal solutions and partial molar quantities.
- Partial molar properties and fugacity.
- Local composition models.
- Applet for plotting radial distribution functions.
- Molecular simulation code written as a Java Applet.
- Mixture thermodynamics calculations.
- Local compositions.