the calculation, the apparatus, the assumptions made, the data
used, reference to other calculations or data employed, etc.,
in short, they should include all the information requiredmake the calculation intelligible to another engineer without further
information besides that contained in the calculations, or in the references
given therein. The small amount of time and
work required to do this is negligible compared with theutility of the calculation. Tables
and curves belonging to the calculation should in the
same way be completely identified with it and contain sufficient
data to be intelligible. d.
Reliability of Numerical Calculations.The most important and essential requirement of numerical
engineering calculations is their absolute reliability. When
making a calculation, the most brilliant ability, theoretical knowledge and
practical experience of an engineer are made
useless, and even worse than useless, by a single error in an
important calculation. Reliability
of the numerical calculation is of vastly greater importance
in engineering than in any other field. In pure mathematics
example which
an error in the numerical calculation of anillustrates a general proposition, does not detract from the
interest and value of the latter, which is the main purpose; in physics, the general
law which is the subject ofinvestigation remains true, and the investigation of interest and
use, even if in the numerical illustration of the law an error
is made. With the most brilliant engineering design, however,
if in the numerical calculation of a single structural member
an error has been made, and its strength thereby calculated wrong,
the rotor of the machine flies to pieces by centrifugal forces,
or the bridge collapses, and with it the reputation of theThe essential difference between engineering and purely
scientific caclulations is the rapid check on the correctnessof the calculation, which is usually afforded by the per In